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Vol 13, Issue 1, 2018
Pages: 0 - 0
Review paper
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Published: 01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture


Tanja Trkulja ,
Tanja Trkulja
Miljan Erbez
Miljan Erbez

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Waters of Republic Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina


Agriculture represents a very important economic field in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). The construction and architectural design of dairy cow facilities depend on many factors, primarily the economic and technological conditions, and the geoclimatic features of the area where construction of the agricultural facility is planned. The agricultural facilities must provide proper accommodation for animals, their good production, adequate microclimatic conditions and their presence must not disturb ecological and aesthetic quality of the environment in which they are located. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of facades and the design og agricultural facilities. This paper puts an emphasis on clarifying the approaches used in the design of dairy cow facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as contemporary approaches of the European Union (EU). The aim of this paper is to indicate how the new approaches apply to design of these types of objects.

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