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Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia
This article deals with the process of modernization the geodesy study program at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Belgrade (FCEUB), Department of geodesy and geoinformatics, under the ERASMUS+ European program, which initiate the survey of stakeholders in three partner countries and in accordance to their opinions, BSc and MSc core curriculum were proposed. So far at the Geodesy and geoinformatics program at the FCEUB Department, several new courses and teaching materials were prepared. Additionally, e-learning methodology, has been introduced by installing MOODLE platform which is used as a new learning management system that will initiate more other changes toward this new learning methodology. Also, a problem-based learning (PBL) methodology has been introduced in some of the courses.
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