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Vol 16, Issue 1, 2024
Pages: 628 - 637
Review paper
Geodesy Editor: Gordana Jakovljević
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Published: 12.06.2024. Review paper Geodesy Editor: Gordana Jakovljević


Đorđe Đermanović ,
Đorđe Đermanović

Military Geographical Institute , Belgrade , Serbia

Novak Roganović ,
Novak Roganović

Military Geographical Institute , Belgrade , Serbia

Vujadin Stanojković ,
Vujadin Stanojković

Military Geographical Institute , Belgrade , Serbia

Jelena Savić ,
Jelena Savić

Military Geographical Institute , Belgrade , Serbia

Siniša Drobnjak Orcid logo
Siniša Drobnjak
Contact Siniša Drobnjak

Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Military Academy, Military Geographical Institute , Belgrade , Serbia


The paper analyzes four variants of conformal azimuthal projections for the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In the procedure, a double conformal mapping was applied. As it is common practice to perform mapping in azimuthal projections from a sphere to a plane, it was initially necessary to perform a conformal mapping from the ellipsoid to the sphere, after which a conformal mapping from the sphere to the plane was executed. The central point of the projection is a point with a value of 44° north latitude and 21° east longitude. The mapping territory is trapezoidal in shape, defined by the values of the geographic latitudes and longitudes of the southernmost (41°53'), northernmost (46°11'), westernmost (18°49'), and easternmost (23°) points in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The mapping variants are defined based on different values of linear scale at the central point of the projection. Data processing was carried out within the Jupyter Notebook component, part of the Anaconda software package, using the Python programming language. The results are presented numerically, graphically, and visualized using AutoCAD software.

Funding Statement

This work supported research project 1.13/2024 “Genesis of geodetic-cartographic activity at the Military Geographical Institute - "General Stevan Bošković" ” by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia.

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