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International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 16, Issue 1,2024

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 15, Issue 1,2022

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 14, Issue 1,2020

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 13, Issue 1,2018

This article deals with the process of modernization the geodesy study program at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Belgrade (FCEUB), Department of geodesy and geoinformatics, under the ERASMUS+ European program, which initiate the survey of stakeholders in three partner countries and in accordance to their opinions, BSc and MSc core c...

By Branko Božić

Integrated planning is a modern approach to urban planning aiming at their sustainable and resilient development. It is theoretically based on the need to adapt the planning system of complex processes in the built environment, with comprehensive and integrated analysis, using appropriate planning methodology. Prerequisites for the implementation o...

By Brankica Milojević

Concrete elements are practically an integral part of every construction project andbuilding. They have significantly higher fire resistance in comparison to elements madeof other construction materials. However, RC slabs are the most sensitive concreteelements to the effects of fire when compared to all the other reinforced concrete elements.There...

By Sanin Džadić

The reliability of geotechnical calculations is, as it is generally known, in function of the input parameters quality, both in terms of loads, as well as the physical and mechanical soil properties. In addition to above mentioned, reliability of the results of geotechnical analysis is also influenced by selection of constitutive soil model. This p...

By Mato Uljarević

Agriculture represents a very important economic field in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). The construction and architectural design of dairy cow facilities depend on many factors, primarily the economic and technological conditions, and the geoclimatic features of the area where construction of the agricultural facility is planned. The agricultural fa...

By Tanja Trkulja

The paper gives motivation for considering a 3D cadastre based on the registration of 3D spatial units, i.e. the (bounded) amount of space to which a person is entitled by means of real right. This approach gives a better insight into the registration of rights and restrictions. In 2012 the international standard ISO 19152 Land Administration Domai...

By Karel Janečka

Linear static analysis of arbitrarily curved beams is considered. Metric of a Bernoulli-Euler beam is rigorously defined and the weak form of the corresponding boundary-valueproblem is solved using isogeometric approach. Driving force behind present research isdetail numerical analysis of recently developed model of an arbitrarily curved beam. This...

By Aleksandar Borković

Flood frequency estimation is one of the most important tasks for hydraulic engineers. Design of hydraulic structures and systems require reliable estimates of high waters, which is not always easy to deliver. In this paper, uncertainty of flood frequency estimation common in practical use is presented in the case study of the Sava River at the Sre...

By Nina Kondić

Considering that one of the most common causes of reinforcement corrosion, and consequently degradation of concrete structures, are chloride ions, it is of utmost importance to know their concentration in concrete. This paper presents the limitations of the chloride ions content in concrete and classes according to European regulations, and the exp...

By Gordana Broćeta

01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture

This paper presents the theoretical basis for the development of the Earth's surface relief digital models. The sources and structure of the modeling data, as well as the methods of their processing, are described, depending on the spatial-temporal properties of the Earth's surface. Digital relief models have great significance and wide application...

By Dejan Vasić

The International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV aims to connect science, profession and education in the broad field of construction with an emphasis on the process of integrality and interdisciplinarity