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International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 16, Issue 1,2024

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 15, Issue 1,2022

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 14, Issue 1,2020

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 13, Issue 1,2018

01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture

From the very beginning of the application of modern pavements, it was known that with increasing load on the pavement structure, more attention should be paid to the details during design and construction in order for the pavement structure to reach the planned lifetime. Heavy, slow vehicles that stop, stand, rotate and accelerate transmit the lar...

By Dragana Zeljić

Развијене свјетске земље имају општеприхваћене локалне и глобалне стандарде као основу за стандардизацију поступака и интернационализацију процеса процјене вриједности непокретности. У Босни и Херцеговини, не постоји јединствен и усклађен приступ процјене непокретности појединачних објеката. Кроз рад је приказан приступ, методологија и терминологиј...

By Dragana Skorup

01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture

Architecture of high-rise buildings depends on many factors, which greatly vary frominitial concepts, functionality of designed spaces, its proportions to human perception andurban context, and structural support and technological capabilities to support desiredconcept. Thus, in any analysis of the factors that architecture depends on is its struct...

By Ilda Kovačević

In order to get the authorization for issuing energy performance certificates in Slovenia, the expert candidate has to attend the prescribed course and pass the exam. The simplified method for heat losses calculation that is taught at this course neglects the thermal bridges, raising concerns whether the calculation results are reliable. In this pa...

By Wadie Kidess

01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture

Building the embankment of traffic infrastructure (roads and railways) requires faster and more quality construction. One of the problems that often occurs in achieving these goals is the consolidation, which often occurs long after the completion of construction, resulting in subsequent settlements and damage to the roads. Therefore, certain measu...

By Dragan Lukic

There are different definitions of what constitutes the term "life". The background of most of these definitions is appropriate theories: starting with the notion that everything that exists is matter, and life is only its complex form, up to vitalism which considers the principle of life as purely intangible. Forming the general definition of life...

By Valentina Milovanović

01.12.2017. Review paper Architecture

Within the last years terrestrial and airborne laser scanning has become a powerful technique for fast and efficient three-dimensional data acquisition of different kinds of objects. Airborne laser system (LiDAR) collects accurate georeferenced data of extremely large areas very quickly while the terrestrial laser scanner produces dense and geometr...

By Jovana Radović

In this paper, the principle of application of the FEMA310 document for seismic evaluation of existing buildings is briefly illustrated, for any building type, and examples of evaluation are given for the first and second tier of evaluation process, for two types of masonry structures. The application of this document at tier one and tier two of th...

By Marina Latinović

One challenge that present-day cities face as they develop is their having to compete on a global scale and to accentuate that which sets them apart from other cities. In that sense, smaller cities are especially under threat, as they live in the shadow of metropolises in the process of globalization. Recently, place branding has proven itself capa...

By Jasna Guzijan

HPPS service of the CROPOS system is today a fast, reliable, precise and commonly used tool for coordinates determination in Croatia. The advantages of a networked RTK method are well known, but in some situations, a single-base RTK method could be a reliable method for coordinates determination, even without a base station having known coordinates...

By Danijel Šugar

The International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV aims to connect science, profession and education in the broad field of construction with an emphasis on the process of integrality and interdisciplinarity