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International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 16, Issue 1,2024

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 15, Issue 1,2022

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 14, Issue 1,2020

International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XVI

Vol 13, Issue 1,2018

Spatial abilities are becoming an increasingly important predictor of success, especially in professions that balance analytical and creative thinking, such as architecture, especially with the increasing presence of digital media and technology, and the importance of the spatial presentation of one’s ideas. There are differing opinions as to wheth...

By Maja Ilić, Sandra Kosić-Jeremić, Dajana Papaz

This paper elaborated on a variety of reasons for the use of biological principles in building context over time. A particular accent was placed on position of biological systems within the contemporary concepts of sustainability, circularity, resilience, and regeneration. Existing design barriers were identified and discussed, and the currently av...

By Saja M. Kosanović, Martina Zbašnik Senegačnik, Ljubiša Folić, Branislav Folić, Alenka Fikfak

Every year, floods cause great damage in the Republic of Serbia. The lack of solutions for flood riskmanagement and prevention during their escalation causes great financial deficit. One of thesolutions for achieving stability in this sphere is creating a map of flood threats and risk accordingto the European Flood Directive. The task of the IPA201...

By Dragoljub Sekulović, Miloš Basarić, Ivan Garić

The National Assembly House of the Republic of Serbia, in Belgrade, is a monumental publicbuilding, which has, from the very beginning of its existence, represented basic political and culturalinterests and preferences. It has remained the visual paradigm of Serbia's national course andsovereignty to this day. It has had great importance throughout...

By Dragana DK Kocić, Violeta Stefanović

The aim of the research is to obtain optimal ranges of thermal envelope for the desired energy classes, which will contribute to a more economical and rational approach to the design of buildings, as well as to prove that with the increase of thermal envelope there is an increase of the energy class. The model on which the research was formed and a...

By Igor Tucaković, Marina Nikolić Topalović, Tanja Trkulja

In this paper dynamic analysis of a curved Bernoulli – Euler beam subjected to a moving load ispresented. Moving load is modelled as a single force with constant magnitude and direction, whichmoves along its trajectory. Plane curved Bernoulli – Euler beam element is formulated usingisogeometric approach where both the displacement field and geometr...

By Miloš M. Jočković, Marija Nefovska – Danilović

This paper deals with the analysis of development and the features of traditional two-story ruralhouses built in central part of Kosovo and Metohija between the First and the Second World War.The study based on in-situ explorations and literature review has revealed the values of thesetraditional examples in terms of spatial organization, architect...

By Nenad J. Nikolić

This paper deals with the architecture of schools built in Banja Luka, during the 40-year long Austro-Hungarian rule in today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina. The buildings for education, spanning from the basic, very small, elementary schools, to vast buildings, like higher gymnasium, received very interesting set of architectural styles featuring tradit...

By Miroslav Malinović

Within this contribution we present recently published findings [1] on the new way of utilizing polymeric materials for vibration damping. We present and demonstrate patented dissipative bulk and granular systems technology [2], based on which we have developed granular damping elements (GDE). The damping elements consist of granular viscoelastic m...

By Marko Bek

Land cover/land use (LULC) have an important impact on land degradation,erosion and water availability therefore mapping of patterns and spatial distribution ofLULC is essential for land management. Accurate mapping of complex land cover andland use classes using remotely sensed data requires robust classification methods.Various classification alg...

By Gordana Jakovljević

The International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV aims to connect science, profession and education in the broad field of construction with an emphasis on the process of integrality and interdisciplinarity