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A theoretical model for porous viscoelastoplastic (VEP) materials under dry conditions is examined based on the principles of mass and energy conservation using rheological-dynamical analogy (RDA). The model provides the expressions for the creep coefficient, Poisson's ratio, modulus of elasticity, damage variable and strength in the function of po...

By Dragan Milašinović, Nataša Mrđa Bošnjak

It is assumed that the porous material is based on the principle of conservation of mass and the principle of conservation of energy. The validity of both principles relies on experimental observations. Experimental results of different metals were used to compare the Poisson ratio as a function of porosity. A comparison is made between the theory ...

By Dragan Milašinović, Danica Goleš, Andrea Rožnjik, Nataša Mrđa Bošnjak

The International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV aims to connect science, profession and education in the broad field of construction with an emphasis on the process of integrality and interdisciplinarity