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Prior to building retrofitting, thermal performance assessment of the building is essential. An adequate assessment can provide useful insights to heat-losses and envelope anomalies i.e. thermal bridges, mold, air infiltration etc. The most important physical quantity that needs to be defined is the thermal transmittance (U-value) which is the key ...

By Slobodan Peulić, Darija Gajić, Jelena Kljakić, Biljana Antunović

Towards building renovation strategies, the research is led by a very deep renovation of residential buildings, which would reduce the energy need for heating below 40 kWh/m2 or create energy savings 60%. The renovation of the building envelope, guided by organic materials (such as wood), which is in the one of key principles in the New Renovation ...

By Budimir Sudimac, Darija Gajić, Slobodan Peulić

Buildings intended specifically for growing plants – greenhouses, glasshouses, conservatories, orangeries and similar – represent relatively recent addition to the history and repertoire of architecture. In their three centuries of notable existence these structures managed to not only enable cultivation of climatically-exotic plants far away from ...

By Ognjen Šukalo, Maja Milić Aleksić, Slobodan Peulić

System of prefabricated modules installed on the existing building envelope is one alternativesolution for deep energy refurbishment of buildings in the European Union. It allows thermalupgrade installation of new parts in the HVAC system. Moreover, some elements of the envelopecan be made of renewable materials. This research compares the resident...

By Darija Gajić, Anna Sandak, Slobodan Peulić, Črtomir Tavzes, Tim Mavrič

High energy demands and obligation for building energy certification make an impact on architectural design and building construction. The paper aims to present energy performance of the educational building envelope in a passive and low-energy standard in the climatic conditions of the north zone of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)....

By Slobodan Peulić

The International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV aims to connect science, profession and education in the broad field of construction with an emphasis on the process of integrality and interdisciplinarity